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Self-Love Mastery

About the Session: 

Emotional Fitness doesn't come from the absence of negative self-talk but the ability to love & forgive oneself. Self acceptance sets you free and helps you stay committed to your goals & aspirations. With self love serving as a strong anchor, you'd not just survive but actually thrive in every difficult situation. 

This module aims to make the learner aware of what stops them from loving onerself and address that to empower them. It will allow the learner to self reflect, expereince the power of self love (different from self-care) and step into a space of abundance. The new age workforce requires more awareness and be empowered from within. This session is therefore, highly recommended for all grades in your organization. 

Self assured managers make brilliant leaders who can steer your organization into an exponential growth stage. Develop Self Aware & Empowered Leaders!

"It is love alone that leads to right actions in our life. What brings order in this world is to love oneself and let love do what it will"

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